Saturday, September 30, 2006

What did Jesus do?

We are now into our 3rd week of study in Mere Discipleship. All sorts of thoughts are rolling around in my head. That's why I love this book. It starts me thinking on all sorts of topics that I might not have thought of on my own. One such thought is about that wave of "What would Jesus do" mania that hit a while back. That little slogan was probably chanted in every youth group from sea to shining sea. And I don't think it's a bad thought, but to me, it seems more speculative than I'm comfortable with. Here's what I mean. It's all well and good to ask oneself what would Jesus do. However, that seems very open-ended. Depending on one's point of view, you could answer in lots of different ways. The "what-ifs?" run rampant with that WWJD question. For example, "What would Jesus do if someone was attacking his mother?" "What would Jesus do if someone attacked and robbed him?" What would Jesus do....and on and on we go.

I think the better question, the one that will lead us into less speculative answers is "What did Jesus do?" Let's look and see what he actually did do. How did he respond to living in an occupied nation? How did he respond to torture? How did he respond when he caught someone living contrary to how God would have them live? How did he respond to violence against someone else? These are questions that we can actually find answers to. Answers in scripture. Communications from God to us. Let's take these answers and see if maybe, just maybe, they give us a clue as to how we should live.

Scripture is full of descriptions about "What did Jesus do?". Too often, I just don't trust that God knows what he is doing. And that thought gives me pause.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Mere Discipleship

Mere Discipleship by Lee Camp is quickly becoming for me one of those life changing books. I am privileged to lead a ladies' discussion group as we study the very important concepts that he explores. It will be uncomfortable at times. It will be controversial. But, I trust that we will try honestly to look into Scripture and begin to think on things that we may not have thought about before. I trust that we will be united in our desire to learn better how to be a student of Jesus' way. And in the process, I know it will change us.

If any of you out there have not read this book, I highly recommend that you do, but if you're comfortable where you're at, don't read it. I hope none of us are satisfied with where we are and that none of us are afraid to consider once again just what it means to be a disciple.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Family Faces from Honduras

This is my beautiful granddaughter, Sol.

This is my beautiful grandson, Levi.

A more tranquil moment.

Brother and sister sharing.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Live, from Honduras

Here we are. Smack dab in the center of Choluteca, Honduras at the Mission Lazarus offices. We've been here a week and have had a great time looking at all the new things planned here for the community. Out in San Marcos, where Ally and Jarrod live, we rode around the new ranch, Las Palmas, a site for the new children's home. It is beautiful property, very wild but beautiful. Next month, Chad and Shelly Hedgepath will arrive to begin there work there as the Children's Home Directors. It is there that several homes are planned to house orphaned children, to love them, to train them and to educate them.

This morning, we went up to the mountain clinic in Las Pitas to see the families enrolled in the nutrition program receive their food. When we get back next week, I'll have some pictures of each of these things to well as some adorable shots of Levi and Sol.

I love to visit here. It humbles me everytime I come. The great need that is everywhere. The way that the Christians here love to worship and learn. The compassion for the poor and the downtrodden. It awakens my awareness once again of how as Christians, if we can help someone's day be a little brighter, a little easier, that is our task.